Massage Therapy is a hands-on manipulation of the soft tissues of the body, specifically the muscles, tendons, ligaments, connective tissue, as well as the joints.
Massage Therapy treatment has a therapeutic effect on the body and improves health and well-being by acting on the muscular, nervous and circulatory systems. Physical dysfunction and pain can be relieved or prevented through the use of Massage Therapy.
INJURY: Massage can help heal injuries such as muscle strains, ligament sprains, and tendonitis caused by overuse or an accident. Massage techniques can limit scar formation in new injuries and reduce scar tissue in old injuries.
PAINFUL or TIGHT MUSCLES: Massage can relieve many types of muscle tightness, from a short-term muscle cramp to recurring clenched jaw or tight shoulders. Massage techniques release tension directly by kneading the muscles, while stimulating your nervous system to allow your muscles to relax.
PREGNANCY: Pregnancy Massage is specifically designed for the childbearing stage. It is a safe and effective method of easing common pregnancy discomforts as well as promoting fetal well-being. Massage can help you experience your changing body in a positive, accepting way.
STRESS: Massage is one of the best antidotes for stress. Reducing stress gives you more energy, improves your outlook on life and in the process, reduces your likelihood of injury and illness.
Massage can also help:
Children need healthy, therapeutic touch just as much as they need air to breathe and water to drink. Pediatric massage greatly benefits children of all ages, from infant all the way to the pre-teen years. At Century Health, we provide infant and pediatric massage in a safe and nurturing environment. Verbal or non-verbal, your child’s consent to treatment is very important to us. Even though we require parental consent to treatment, we also look for hints and clues in body language as to how your child might be feeling that day. It is important for us to respect your child’s decisions and allow them to feel comfort and trust. Massage is a great way to help calm and relax your child and it also teaches them about safe and positive touch.
*15 and 30 minute treatment sessions are available. Also ask about a one hour infant massage instruction session, which includes a 15 minute treatment.
Infant and paediatric massage therapy can help treat symptoms of many common ailments and conditions such as:
“Studies of Registered Massage Therapy for cancer patients suggest massage can decrease stress, anxiety, depression, pain and fatigue. Many health care professionals recognize massage as a useful, non-invasive addition to standard medical treatment.”
– American Cancer Society
RESOURCE: Canadian Cancer Society Complementary Therapies – A guide for people with cancer
On your first visit you will complete a health history form. Your Massage Therapist will propose a personalized treatment plan based on your health history, assessment findings and your treatment goals.
You may undress to the level of your comfort. Massage Therapists are required to cover/drape you with a sheet so that they uncover only the area on which they are working.
Talking is allowed and often important to ensure proper pressure and comfort level of the client.
Many private insurance companies cover Massage Therapy treatment as a part of their extended health care plans. Please consult your policy.